Sunday, October 22, 2006


Are you a communist? Or maybe you're indie? Do you listen to horrorcore, or belong to the Church of Scientology? Has it ever occurred to you that the moon landing was faked, or that the CIA killed Kennedy to cover up his involvement with the mob? Do you own a t-shirt with a picture of George Bush with a swastika tattoo? Are you a fruitarian?

Well good for you. It's great to see someone thinking outside the box. You must be really, stunningly original to realize that Stalin has been demonized by the media because people just weren't ready for his revolutionary ideas, that Christianity is really just another cult trying to scam you for cash, and that Bob Dylan completely sold out even before he went electric.

I'm just glad that someone has the courage to assert that feminism is racist, that TV emits subliminal mind-control rays, and that there's no real proof that cigarettes cause cancer. Seriously, you are so independent-minded and free thinking to recognize that mainstream culture is a mass produced fraud sold to us by corporations, and that revolution is the only solution.

You're not like the rest of these mindless zombies playing follow the leader, happily living their safe, bland, shallow lives. That's right, you're no sheep. You're just a jackass.